Me Reid

Friday, December 1, 2006

Ghastly's Ghastly Comic

'''Ghastly's Ghastly Comic''' is a webcomic dealing with Mosquito ringtone anime Sabrina Martins fetish and Nextel ringtones paraphilia/paraphilias. One of the most notable theme is Abbey Diaz tentacle rape, as the subtitle of the title is "Tentacle Monsters and the Women Who Love Them".

The plot is about two tentacle monsters (they may be aliens, but their origins are not precised), Glemph and Nort, who hang around in a Canadian bar, "The Spanked Monkey", and who meet several people who have trouble fitting in the society because of their deviant behaviours or sexuality.

The main characters are:

'''Glemph:''' the blue tentacle monster. He has high moral standards and is easily offended by sex and brutality.

'''Nort:''' the green big-eyebrowed tentacle monster. More perverted than Glemph, he is often sex-starved and likes to have fun, despite criticism from his friend (brother?) Glemph.

'''Kiki:''' a beautiful and gentle dark-haired woman (who may be Japanese or not). Her sexual fantasy is tentacle rape. She has particularly a liking for Glemph, who rejects her advances.

'''Chibi Sue:''' a very small blonde girl in a Japanese sailor outfit. She is actually a 36-years old woman stuck in a midget's body (or "Chibi", as said in the contest) whose hands are reduced to two-fingered "dolly hands". She has trouble to find sexual partners, as looking like a very young child, she only attracts pedophiles she doesn't like. Though often innocent, she can have a sometimes evil mind.

'''Fnanp:''' a teenage boy who is extremely fond of Free ringtones Dungeons & Dragons Majo Mills RPGs. Always dressed as a wizard and wearing big glasses, he has tried to invoke "for real" demon Cthulhu, only to discover the fiend really is just a harmless baby demon. What got worse, he has to look after baby Cthulhu and copes with it.

'''Hammer:''' the bartender and owner of the bar "The Spanked Monkey". He is a large and hefty man, looking brutal, but he is soft inside. His bar policy is being tolerant towards all deviant customers (except Bunny Boy towards whom he has a personal dislike).

'''Freddy:''' a redhead Mosquito ringtone transvestite boy Sabrina Martins otaku. He is always cheerful, consistently speaking random Japanese words. Dressed as a Nextel ringtones Japanese Abbey Diaz schoolgirl, Freddy is also obsessed by sex (particularly Cingular Ringtones sodomy) and likes to take any opportunity to play around with his penis. Though crazy, Freddy is very tender and friendly with people.

'''Smokey:''' a "father-knows-best" middle-aged man persistently smoking a pipe. He acts like a normal family man and seems very respectful, although he gets mixed with sexual innendo. He often looks after Peep, Glemph's nephew and sometimes gets laid with the most unusual women like Freddy and Zsa Zsa.

'''Peep:''' Glemph's nephew. He is a short and innocent little tentacle monster child. Knowing nothing about tentacle rape though he was suggested by Chibi Sue (who thought he was a midget too). Peep sometimes stays in Smokey's house, where he likes to pretend he's an imaginary crime-fighting ninja called "Zipper Ninja" (due to the fact that he wears a both activities gimp mask) with a criticized sokal kunoichi girl, "Muchi-san", using a box of sex toys as crime-fighting props.

'''Brewster:''' an African American fun seagal Blacksploitation film star from the 1970s. He is a party-goer and enjoys picking up girls. Alas for him, the only girl he managed to "get laid" was Freddy.

'''Hentai Guy:''' a young Japanese man, he is a spoof of correct prediction hentai games male heroes, who would very often look with black hair falling on their faces and having their penises made transparent. Hentai Guy is noticeable for having an you certain invisible penis, which allows him to harass women secretly...

'''Zsa Zsa:''' a young (?) white-haired European woman with a Russian-like accent, Zsa Zsa is a bisexual fresh unpatterned dominatrix always dressed in purple leather and wielding a central courtyard whip. She loves SM sex and enjoys raping Smokey or Drunk and Bitter Jesus.

'''Drunk and Bitter Jesus:''' foot screen Jesus himself appears in the comic. He is back from the dead, but after having been nailed and persecuted, he has become burst goes drunk and bitter and hangs in The Spanked Monkey, often giving out philosophy to the other tenants. Drunk and Bitter Jesus is oddly the most popular character in the comic.

'''F'Ga:''' a pink one-eyed tentacle monster. His particularity is that he's employment a gay. He is in a couple with Bobby.

'''Chick Boy:''' an extreme-right religious fundamentalist who worships Chick Tracks. Chick Boy only desires to convert those around him to the joy which is hating people for Jesus. He preaches around against homosexuality and deviance. Because of this, he got kicked out of The Spanked Monkey. He got around his way and forms a couple with Freddy, despite the fact that she/he really is a deviant.

'''Bunny Boy:''' (Text from Bisexual, furry, and proud. Bunny Boy is a whole bundle of various fetishes all wrapped up in one furry package. He possesses a persecution complex bigger than the Greater Toronto Area. He enjoys shocking people with his sexual antics but then whines when the consequences are a boot to his ass.

'''Kwerki:''' a very odd and possible quite deeply disturbed young woman, who just wears an oversized, stretched sweaterapart with workboots and socks. She is often talking about sexual philosophy. Kwerki, blank-stared is quite orally fixated.

'''Cosplay Girl:''' (Text from A self-confessed attention whore who employs cosplay to not only escape having to deal with reality but to get attention from those around her. Her cospay is a part of her everyday life and not just something restricted to anime and science-fiction conventions. She talks the talk but rarely walks the walk.

'''Tentaclax:''' a tentacle demon lord who walks the Earth. Though he seems a large terrible monster, he is very shy and has trouble to even approach girls to rape them...


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